Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So we are slowly getting spots filled up for the fall camps. It is more difficult than I thought it would be to get the word out! I have posted flyers at schools and put adverts in PTA directories. The PTAs have been really positive about the website - which gives me hope!

I have been trying to find a contact at Fairfax County to pitch my ideas to, but it is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

I've had some more ideas for camps. I thought we could run a Land Art camp, get students to work outdoors investigating their environment, and produce work related to it. Also, I like the idea of medieval and gothic art camp - making gargoyles etc. Amy and I are Harry Potter addicts. Maybe we should just have a Harry-Potter-watching-camp? Only kidding!

With all this shameless self marketing, I have hardly had any time to work on the illustrations for the book. I'll post some images when I get started.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The first summer camp

Well my house is trashed, but what a fantastic experience. I must be the only person I know, who gets withdrawal symptoms after a camp - I miss those kids!

The choice of Fairytales for our theme was perfect. The students were totally engaged and excited about their work. It was quite an intense, exhausting camp, but we wanted it to be stimulating, and more than just glorified babysitting. So many camps just let students space out for the majority of the day, we figured that if parents were paying for our services, we should be doing something meaningful with their children.

We got really positive feedback from all of the parents. Now all we have to do is convince more people of our ideas, especially in Fairfax County!

After talking to some of the parents, Amy and I have decided that it would be a good idea to run mini camps on Teacher Work Days, and some of those other little holidays that parents find difficult to take off. I wonder if schools would be interested in us running those on-campus, so that students could be dropped off as usual in the morning (it might save my carpet as well!).